St John of God Brothers join the National Redress Scheme on 24 October 2019

Nov 26, 2019 | Safeguarding & Redress

The St John of God Brothers have been formally accepted into the National Redress Scheme set up by the Commonwealth Government following a recommendation from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

Minister for Families and Social Services, Senator the Hon. Anne Ruston, made the declaration effective from 24 October 2019.

Anyone who experienced sexual abuse while in the care of the Brothers can now have their application for redress assessed. Redress includes counselling, a direct personal response and a monetary payment.

The serving Provincial of the St John of God Brothers, Br Timothy Graham, has said the Brothers will forever live in shame for the abuse that was perpetrated in its institutions in the past: “We cannot change the past but we are committed to justice, reconciliation and compassion for all who suffered in our care,” Br Timothy said.

The Redress Scheme is managed within the Commonwealth Department of Social Services in Canberra.

The website is

The contact phone number is 1800 737 377.